Saturday, September 22, 2007

The "Dream Act" shuts out the best wanna-be immigrants!

I’m tired of people saying how those against “Amnesty” are uncaring or xenophobic or racists or ignorant regarding the importance of imported labor to our economy. Those are cheap shots of the uninformed – knee-jerk reactions from those who are mindlessly following the lead of someone or something they think they admire.

Prior to and during our Revolutionary War, 30% of the residents of the Colonies actively supported the King, and 40% were just part of the landscape. This 70% was unable to tell you why they took their stance – or why they did not take a stance. Their descendants are backing Amnesty today – but no one who back amnesty can really tell you why – instead they respond by insulting you and me because they can’t articulate an answer – pretty much because there isn’t much of one.

Take your feelings and your heart out of it, and Amnesty is shown to be a sham. IF we want “immigrant labor” – why not First open up to any Canadians that want to come here (already educated and English speaking) - why not educated people from India (many of whom happen to speak English better than me, hence no need to spend resources training them to speak our language), people from countries who were our allies in past wars - certain tribes in the area of Vietnam, Thailand, Canada, India Europe and so forth (no – Mexico was not our ally against even the Nazi’s, and they were like the Russians in that they only joined the war against the Japanese when the outcome was obvious, and so their “help” was token in form and substance). Do you want hard workers who “will take the jobs that Americans won’t do”?? Well – the Chinese did that quite, quite well in the 1800s – took on deadly, dangerous and tedious labor. And they assimilated quite well and never asked us to give them preferential treatment. Say maybe one tenth of one percent of the Chinese come here each year – that’s 13 million per year! Now let that boost our economy with ties back to a country that our economy is bound to China – Mexico has no impact on our economy – they don’t produce anything that we need.

Now, I Would gladly include a certain number of Mexicans in my annual immigration totals – those that either really, really want to become Americans, not necessarily limited to those with higher skills that will benefit us (workers are welcome!). My point above is that low-skilled labor is “a dime a dozen” – lots and lots of Asians and Africans would gladly come here to leave behind abject poverty, oppression and total lack of safety and freedom, and there is no sound reason to limit the unskilled labor pool to immigrants from Mexico.

Tell the Liberals to stop “thinking with their hearts” – it’s not physiologically possible, and start using their heads. Whatever you want for our country (beside destroying America itself) can be so much better cultivated by opening our immigration to others beside just Mexicans.

How Dream Act is Amnesty Bill--Gives amnesty to any illegal alien claiming to have arrived in the U.S. prior to age 16 and who has lived in the U.S. for five years (16/5).--Any illegal alien can apply, no matter the current age. For example, a 35 year old illegal alien can make an amnesty claim under the Dream Act by simply claiming he has met the 16/5 requirement.--To apply, an illegal must simply “demonstrate” that he is eligible. No concrete proof required.--By simply applying under the Dream Act, an illegal alien is immediately granted “conditional” lawful permanent residence (i.e. green card) status. Thus, illegal aliens are given amnesty immediately.--The “conditional” status can be converted to non-conditional green card by completing two years of higher education or two years of military service within the next six years.--If the illegal alien has already completed the two-year study/service requirement at the time of application, non-conditional legal status can happen immediately.--The bill also fast-tracks the path to full citizenship by counting time in “conditional” status toward the five-year residency requirement for citizenship application. Also, by claiming “retroactive” benefits, the five-year requirement could start the day the Dream Act is passed.--Illegal aliens who file an application for legal status under the Dream Act CANNOT be deported. Plus, the federally government is restricted from using the application information to deport the illegal alien or otherwise hold the alien responsible for breaking our immigration laws.--Once an illegal alien receives non-conditional green card status, that legalized alien can then sponsor family members for legal green card status. This creates a massive “anchor teen” loophole that puts amnesty within the reach of millions.How Dream Act Funnels Taxpayer Benefits to IllegalsCurrent law prohibits states from giving illegal aliens in-state tuition rates unless those rates are available to any citizen or legal resident of any state. If a state wants to give illegal aliens in-state college tuition rates, then that state must offer that same rate to any citizen and legal resident.Despite clear federal law, 10 states have passed state laws giving illegal aliens the in-state tuition rate (California, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Washington). Thus, the current law prohibits states from discrimination against U.S. citizens in favor of illegal aliens. The Dream Act nullifies current law and allows states to grant illegal aliens in-state tuition rates. Not only does this create a taxpayer funded benefit for illegal aliens, it creates a benefit not available even to U.S. citizens. Thus, American taxpayers are subsidizing the higher education for illegal aliens -- a benefit out-of-state citizens cannot even access.

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